Goddamn Author

The day, i lost it!!!

dont live but die well rajat sharma

On a sunny Sunday in 2011, during an otherwise ordinary day, I experienced a surreal moment. As I strolled through time, a sudden and astonishing event occurred. Time froze, and the world vanished. I felt as if I were floating slightly above the ground, alone with my thoughts and slowed breath. In that instant, I found “the One” who stole my sense of time, gravity, and the world itself. I felt both intoxicated and intensely aware, lost in this extraordinary moment. I had lost it!

Sounds like love ha? As in, falling in love, and losing one’s sense of self, for someone else? But eh, no, this happened during a cricket match. Nonetheless, surely during that experience, something within me had fallen, died, and has not returned since then, and been one of the most ecstatic moments of my life by far. I had simply, not only lost it, but also lost that person, who just worked for his personal agendas: Rajat GODDAMN Sharma! I realized that “I” wasn’t intelligence, but bull crap!

dont live but die well rajat shsarma

“”only when we realize that we are a limitation and not a possibility, would our self-love turn into self-disgust. Only then we would want to lose ourselves.”

So hi all, I’m Rajat Sharma, hailing from the enchanting city of Chandigarh. My background is in psychology, and I used to be a cricket player. In 2015, I embarked on a journey to make people thrive and experience life to the fullest. This led me to establish MindFuel and author two books. I’ve had the privilege of working with athletes, helping them find their peak performance, as well as aiding individuals grappling with psychological challenges. I’ve also collaborated with various educational institutions.

Aw, sounds like a noble deed right? But soon I ended things, as I realized that life’s most transformative moments don’t occur when we fuel ourselves. Instead, they manifest when we lose ourselves. Hence was found Psyog, and this book. Don’t Live But Die Well, the moment I lost myself.

Psyog, drawing inspiration from the Hindi word “sahayog” (meaning support), is the space where I assist people in shedding the limitations of their dualistic psychology and attaining a state of unity, or “yoga,” with the singular essence of existence. Not by bending the body, but breaking, then bending from within!

I don’t wish to start or create through this so-called start-up, but end the hell that we have ended up creating here. Simply by pulling down individuals, and their “individuality,” as in, their sense of division, and duality, and helping peeps see that “One,” in one and all. My work is not to make, but to break people, and bring them crumbling down on their knees. Yet, this is the only love affair, the only surrender, wherein we go down on our knees, not to get engaged, but free.

As I like to say: self-dissolution is the only solution. The solution is not only to psychological disorders but also, to global crimes. The source of both is duality and separation: in-divi-duality. I wish to see every individual proudly claim, that they have “lost it.” Let’s make this statement, not a taunt, but the highest aspiration for every individual!
