Don’t Live But Die Well

Don’t live but die well Synopsis

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dont live, but die well

This Work Is Not To Make You But Break You. It’s Time Not To Live, But Die Well!

don't live but die well

Don’t Live But Die Well!

Strange, but most of us have lost our vision, because the only person we see in our vision is us, or who is related to us. Yet, we constantly try to abandon and lose that very person, either through vacations, or by being a workaholic, an alcoholic, or simply, by sleeping. Sounds like a spider, stuck in his own web, Funny, isn’t it?

dont live but die well

Because, finally, you are signing up, not for gaining, but losing. Losing everything you call “yourself,” and, “yours.” The complete and ruthless destruction of everything you call, “yourself.” You are choosing not to live but die well.

Why ruthless? We are so big within ourselves; we end up creating a world out of the meaningless, and the insignificant. Hence refuse to bend down in front of the absolute, that true intelligence, that singularity, which constantly tries to break our individuality and our world. That individuality, and world, which thrives on division, and duality, eh as in, the ups and downs of life, hence called, in-divi-duality: living in division, and duality!

dont live but die well


We don’t get to experience that trippy intelligence, or our human potential in its true essence, nor what is hidden behind our so-called world, and individual natures. Hence end up “acting” like a human with compassion, kindness, oneness, positivity, etc. But never become one!

dont live but die well

from self-love to self-disgust!

Because we “talk” about solutions not just to small problems like psychological problems, addictions, and suicides, but also major ones like inequality, crimes, corruption, wars, etc. still, can’t see a solution, because we are constantly blinded by the root problem: the thought of “I.” Hence we outsourced heaven to god, and institutionalized unity, peace, health, equality etc.

Seems like we are just worth talking, because we don’t have the courage to lose the very source of all personal and global problems: individuality.

dont live but die well

You have lost it, will not be a taunt, but will become the highest aspiration of every human.”

cyclical time will lose its grip over you!

Our individuality is governed by time, and is time bound. Thus we say “his time was over,” when someone departs from this planet, and time is, cyclical, hence repetitive, causing repetitive thoughts and behaviors. Still, we talk about moving with, and ahead with time. But, didn’t we notice, that the clock needle goes all the way, and returns to the same damn spot? Hence mid-life crisis, wherein despite of doing a lot, we feel we have reached nowhere.

Only when we learn not to live well, but die well in this cyclical dual world, do we truly move on, and ahead!